Diseases and Conditions

Truncus arteriosus

Preparing for an appointment

What you can do

If possible, compile a thorough medical history from both sides of your baby's family. Some heart problems are inherited, so it's helpful if you can let your doctor know if anyone in your child's family has ever had early heart problems.

It's also helpful to prepare a list of questions so that you can make the most of your time with your baby's doctor. Here's a sampling of questions you might want to ask:

  • What kinds of tests will my child undergo?
  • What are the options for treatment? What are the possible complications of treatment?
  • What is the long-term outlook for my child?
  • What impact would a heart defect or the subsequent treatment have on another condition my baby has?
  • If I have another baby in the future, what are the chances of this happening again?
  • Are there any brochures or other printed material that I can have? What websites do you recommend?

Don't hesitate to ask other questions.

What to expect from your doctor

Your child's doctor will likely ask you the following questions:

  • Does your baby ever appear blue?
  • How long are feeding times, or how much does your baby drink?
  • How often and how long does your baby sleep?
  • How does your baby respond to touch?
  • Have you noticed changes in any of these behaviors?