I was a patient of Mosaic numerous times during 2023 and 2024. Each time I was discharged, I was admitted to your Home Health department.

I am writing to give praise where praise is due. Each discharge, I was assigned a home care physical therapist, Melissa Shute. She used her expertise in physical therapy. I was depressed after my numerous admissions. Melissa's expertise in physical therapy and her personality helped me so much with my physical and psychological problems. I could depend on "being lifted up" after her visit.

You have an excellent employee in Melissa. Thank you to your gracious attention to my letter.

Dolores Blair

Mosaic Life Care Hospice provides quality end of life care.

Good afternoon Jim,

We have crossed paths a few times in the last eight months, and I wanted to personally reach out to you today and thank you for all that you do. You were there when my grandmother Elaine Chirieleison was in her final days back in December 2020 (little blue house in Agency, MO) and prayed with us and helped her make the transition into eternal life, and it meant a lot to our family to have you there with her cancer diagnosis being only two weeks before she passed and three days before Christmas. You were also there when my grandmother Marceline Sauter was in her final days last week and also helped her make the transition into eternal life when her family was not able to be there by her side, and that gives me peace. The service you gave “Aunt Marcie” as you called her was the most beautiful service I have ever seen. Your words hit home and you knew her as good as our entire family did. I wasn’t sure if I would get the closure I would need to be able to move on from my Grandma Sauter’s passing as she raised me until I was school age and meant the world to me. She was everything I had and gave me all the love I needed. You were so right when you said she taught us how to love, as that is what she did, she loved. After your service, my heart felt better, and I am doing just what you said, holding onto those memories with her and spreading her love to my own children. I wanted to share with you what I wrote and drew for her and a few pictures of memories I will hold on to forever.

To the woman who knew it all; from how to cook, to bake a dessert, to sew a quilt, to loom a rug, to can a tomato, to crochet a blanket or to make a dress. To the woman who was always there when you were happy, sad or mad and always listened to what you had to say and gave you advice. To the woman who was always there when you were sick and knew exactly how to make you better. To the woman who took time to teach every child that came her way the essentials of life. To the woman who was always in attendance, school play, awards ceremony, sports game, beauty pageant, you name it, and she was there supporting you. To the woman who always put herself last and family first. To the woman who always answered the phone day or night and would drive to you in a heartbeat if you needed her. To the woman who’s heart beat for her family and to her family this woman was EVERYTHING. Grandma, my heart breaks knowing your time has come, but I know you are finally at peace in Grandpa’s loving arms again. I love you so very much and will cherish everything you have ever taught me about life, keeping you close in my heart, forever and ever. RIP Marceline J. Sauter 2/9/1930 – 8/13/21 may your love bloom forever from generation to generation.

Once again, thank you from the bottom of my heart, you are truly in the exact spot you need to be in this career field as you have personally touched my life twice in the last eight months without even knowing so.

It's truly hard to even put into words how amazing every single Mosaic Hospice caregiver was during my dad's time on Hospice, but I'll try and do my best! No matter the time of the visit, each and every nurse, bath aide, chaplain that walked in my dad's door had a smile and the kindest heart we could have ever asked for. You all made sure not just my dad, but that my mom, brother and I were all ok. For that, we are so very grateful.

Laurie, you were one of Dad's first visits after he was admitted, you helped ease our minds early on and made sure we knew you were here for the family just as much as you were for my dad. Kristen, you made sure Dad's meds were straight and were wonderful at letting us know what to watch for and how to try and keep him as comfortable as possible.

Last Friday, early morning, we were certain it was his time, so we called the Hospice line (again) ... we all said we were the "flagged family" because we felt like we called a lot, but we NEVER once got the feeling we were putting anyone out or bothering you all. Jessica came and spent hours (yes hours) sitting with us and my dad. That morning he was quite comical and more vocal than he had been in days. Jessica was so very kind and made the whole situation that night so much easier on all of us. Thank you Jessica, you truly have a servant's heart.

Saturday, Janet called and asked if she could make a visit. Since it was the weekend, we didn't think anyone would be coming, so when she called, we were thankful and so glad she was coming. Janet came, checked dad over and made sure we had someone coming to give him a bath since we had passed on that Friday. Shelli got there and she and Janet gave dad a bath and made him so comfortable, he was more peaceful than he had been in days. Not even two hours after they left, Dad passed so very peacefully, and I will forever believe it was because Janet and Shelli made him so very comfortable. Thank you so very much ladies! You made Dad's passing a peaceful blessing! We can never repay you, but please know you will always be in our hearts!

Kassie, oh Kassie, I "blew up" your phone on more than one occasion, and you were so truly amazing to quickly answer and set me at ease. Thank you for being there for me throughout this. If I did not mention your name, please know it is not because you were not amazing or less helpful than anyone else! Each and every one of you were so very kind and truly helpful in this process! This is the hardest thing my family has ever had to deal with, and you, my friends, made it so much easier! We are forever in your debt and will never forget how truly blessed we were to have you!

Lots of love,

The family of Stanley K. Bigelow
(Susie, Brian, Christina, Scott, Madison and Noah)

Mosaic Life Care Hospice provides quality end of life care.

Hello Hospice! A few weeks ago, I had no knowledge of hospice beyond vague general terms. Wow! Have we been informed and blessed to have brought your fantastic people into our lives and home! “Thank you” is hollow, for your staff and nurses are following a much deeper calling than mere employees.

We are so deeply appreciative of the care and respect and genuine concern of each hospice representative during the time before and during my mother’s death; Nancy Townsend was their patient. Thank you for helping us send her on her next journey in such a peaceful way. Thank you for caring for us all. Best regards!

Jane Townsend Kietzman for the Townsend Family

Mosaic Life Care Hospice provides quality end of life care.

The sympathy you expressed with the lovely red rose at Herb’s service was appreciated by our family. Every one associated with his hospice care was kind and professional. However, I would like Crystal to know how much Herb and I appreciated her friendly expertise as she bathed Herb.

Crystal’s care giving suggestions gave me more help and confidence than anyone else. Simply put, “she is awesome,” and I want her to know how we felt! It was also a joy to reconnect with our dear friend, Sandy Davis, but she already knows ho I feel about her.

Bless you all, Norma Clizer

My story is very straight forward. Mosaic Home Health Services are top of the line. On a scale of 1-10, with 10 being the best, they have surpassed the best. Not once, but TWICE, the girls that take care of my sister have alerted me, her DPOA, on conditions that required immediate attention. Without their acute observations and timely notifications, my sister's health would have been in serious jeopardy.

How would it be possible to thank these girls for the care they hold in their hearts for others? Can they be angels on earth? I think so. They are among us.

Thank you, Mosaic Home Health, for your staff of devoted caregivers that have blessed my sister's and my life!

Mosaic Life Care Hospice provides quality end of life care.

Dr. Mullican,

The family of Phyllis Brown would like to thank you, Stacy for all you did to keep our mom comfortable in her last days. 

Jason A, her nurse in charge, took excellent care of her, we can't say enough good things about him.

Crystal was very gentle and kind to Mom.

Many nurses came at night and even through a snow storm to help us care for her. We will be forever grateful for all you and staff have given our family. 

Sincerely, Denise

Mosaic Life Care Hospice provides quality end of life care.

Thank you Mosaic Life Care Hospice,

The Family of Jane Everett

Sister Barbara and Mosaic Life Care Hospice staff,

Thank you for making our mom and wife’s last days comfortable and pain-free. Thank you also for the support and comfort you gave us during her last week. We are so thankful that hospice was there to help us to get through a very difficult time in our lives. Our loved one will be missed very day of our lives but we know she is in a better place and are thankful of the time we got to spend with her. In appreciation, please accept the enclosed donation in memory of our loved one, Alecia “Jane” Everett.

Mosaic Life Care Hospice provides quality end of life care.

Dear Mosaic Life Care Hospice,

Words cannot express my family’s gratitude for the loving kindness demonstrated by the hospice team of professionals. Each day, my mother and I looked forward to the phone calls and home visits. Now, she is gone.

The hospice team we had must move on to other patients. I am enclosing a memorial gift in recognition for the love and care shown by this team: Kathy Lewis, Brittany Clark, and Missy Wiedmer.

Respectfully, Linda Witham

Mosaic Life Care Home Health provides quality care in the comfort of your home.

Dear Mosaic Home Health,

On behalf of my family, I’d like to thank you for the excellent care you gave my mom. She loved her “peeps,” (Stacia, Erin, Angie, Teri, Rachelle and Jennifer) and looked forward to seeing everyone each week. Your advice was invaluable to me as well. I hope you realized what a gift you are to your patients and their families. I miss seeing your sweet faces!

God Bless, Tracy Christie

Mosaic Life Care Hospice provides quality end of life care.

Thank you is not adequate for all Mosaic Hospice did for my mother and for my son and I. Kathy Lewis was an incredible nurse and demonstrated her love for my mother every time she came. Kelly Ramirez did an outstanding job the day mom passed in helping the whole process. Kim Leininger was so good to mom and provided a wonderful sounding board for me as well.

These 3 ladies made mom’s journey and ours so comfortable and peaceful. I shall always be very grateful. Thank you also for the tree being planted in Chippewa National Forest. What a lovely tribute. She would have loved that. Again, thank you for the wonderful care mom received and all the help given to me in making her journey to heaven an easy one.

Georgia Hutchens, Daughter of Marjorie Fletcher

Mosaic Life Care Hospice provides quality end of life care.

We had a patient who was very leery of her hospice team the first day we visited. She was concerned about the funding source of hospice and not sure she wanted to be part of a Medicare program. Her adult children had encouraged her to “try” hospice and see how it would go. The patient was also deeply religious. One of her sons was even a minister. Her hospice chaplain happened to be a Catholic sister. The chaplain explained to the patient that she was there to support patients and their families, no matter their beliefs, and there wouldn’t be any attempt to “convert” them. The patient still wasn’t sure about Hospice care. When the patient’s family convinced her, she began receiving Hospice care.

Over time, this frail, elderly woman was lovingly cared for by her devoted family, especially a daughter and son who were always present when hospice caregivers visited. Over months, a wonderful relationship developed between this patient, her children and the hospice team. We all began anticipatory grief when the patient, at the end of one visit, said, “I may not be here next week.” A week later she said the same thing and she began a steady decline. Hospice was able to keep her comfortable, and provide the equipment she now needed. 

When she passed away, as she had predicted, hospice caregivers and family all grieved. At the grave-side service, the patient’s daughter mentioned to the hospice team they needed to stop by the house. She said there was something waiting for them there. A few days later when they visited, the son and daughter gave each hospice caregiver a “thank you” card. While she was living, the patient had her children pick out beautiful thank you cards for each of the caregivers and she shared her personal gratitude to each one. 

“We each have been so touched by the loving spirit of this woman. Many hospice family members sincerely thank their hospice caregivers after the death of their loved one. However, in my 15 years in hospice, I had never had a patient thank me from the grave. We laugh and cry as we remember how leery she was on that first day and how she embraced us with love and gratitude so completely at the end of her life,” said Sister Susan Holmes, hospice chaplain.

I made the decision to not go back to the hospital. The hospice nurse manages the medications that help my chest pain. All the hospice staff who come are extra nice, and I feel like I've known them all my life. Mosaic Life Care Hospice allows me to remain in my home with my family and my dogs, which peps me up.

Dean Praiswater, Amazonia, Missouri