Creating Survivors. Celebrating Hope.

Mosaic is committed to creating cancer survivors in our community through clinical excellence, state–of–the–art technology and compassionate care. We hope the inspiring stories below, featuring some of the many cancer survivors we’ve cared for, bring you hope.

Jeff's Story

“I’d rather do 10 colonoscopy preps before doing another round of chemo.”

When a routine colonoscopy reveals stage 3 colorectal cancer, your life becomes one unexpected curve ball after another. At only 48 years old, this happened to Jeff Leake and it changed his life.

“Boy, was I shocked,” says Jeff. “And for the next two to three weeks, every appointment I had the news kept getting worse. I was to the point of asking my doctors if I needed to get my affairs in order.”

With the help of Mosaic Cancer Care oncologist, Rony Abou-Jawde, MD, and his robust team of infusion nurses, surgical team and support staff, they were able to craft a plan to tackle Jeff’s cancer.

Jeff and his family

Now a year after his diagnosis, eight rounds of chemotherapy and multiple surgeries, Jeff’s cancer is in remission. His story is a testament to the power of early detection and the strength of the human spirit. He's become an advocate for colorectal cancer awareness, urging others to get screened.

"I think back to the grueling months of chemotherapy and surgeries, and it was tough,” says Jeff. "The treatments progressively felt worse, and I don’t want anyone to have to go through what I went through.”

In addition to the physical toll the cancer and treatments took on Jeff, he admits there was also an emotional and mental element he wasn’t expecting that was extremely frustrating.

“I was so mad I couldn’t get stuff done,” explains Jeff.

“I feel like I put my life on hold because I didn’t get much done for an entire year. It was so hard to miss out on things because of cancer.”

Colorectal cancer is a highly preventable disease that affects men and women, but it’s also a leading cause of cancer death. That’s why it’s important to detect this disease early when it’s most easily treatable.

A screening colonoscopy is a simple procedure performed on an outpatient basis. You’re usually in and out within a couple of hours and the procedure usually takes 15 – 20 minutes. 

Few people look forward to a colonoscopy — especially the prep — but the procedure is quick, painless and you get a nap. By avoiding a colonoscopy your risk of colorectal cancer increases.

Jeff ringing the bell in remission

“The prep is nothing,” says Jeff. “I’d rather do 10 colonoscopy preps before doing another round of chemo.”

This Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month, take power of your health. “Most people don’t even know they have polyps in the early stages, so screening is very crucial,” says Dr. Abou-Jawde. “It's the best way to detect the disease early when it's most treatable and getting a colonoscopy for screening reduces your risk of death from colon cancer by up to 75%." 

Get screened, know the symptoms and make healthy lifestyle choices. Have Jeff's story be a powerful reminder that early detection can make all the difference.

“You have got to take care of yourself and don’t be afraid to go to the doctor if something doesn’t feel right — get it checked out,” says Jeff. 

Visit for more information about screenings.

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