Mayo Clinic Care Network Content

3 ways to make healthy habits stick



  1. Try incorporating your new behavior into something you're already doing. For example: If you want to add movement to your day, walk around the block before you bring in the mail. If you'd like to make gratitude a priority, the next time you're in the shower reflect on people or events in your life that you appreciate.
  2. Determine what your small change is this week, and stick to it. For example: Add one vegetable to your meals each day. Or set aside time at the beginning of each week to create a meal plan and grocery list.
  3. Reach out to a family member, friend or colleague who might be able to support you in the change you're looking to make. If you have a friend who is a motivating workout buddy or a great encourager, enlist his or her help — you don't have to do it alone!

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