Alzheimer's and dementia care: Making mealtimes easier
Try large-handled utensils
Consider underlying conditions
Acknowledge declining skills and senses
Expect agitation and distraction
Maintain familiar routines
Get visual
Use easy-to-handle utensils
Offer foods one at a time
Take your time
Sneak in extra nutrition
Causes of poor nutrition
Support for people with early-stage dementia
Mealtime support
Foods to avoid
Professional support
Consider underlying conditions
Acknowledge declining skills and senses
Expect agitation and distraction
Maintain familiar routines
Get visual
Use easy-to-handle utensils
Offer foods one at a time
Take your time
Sneak in extra nutrition
Causes of poor nutrition
Support for people with early-stage dementia
Mealtime support
Foods to avoid
Professional support
Try large-handled utensils
To prevent slipping, apply suction cups to the bottom of plates or use placemats that have traction on both sides. You could also make placemats from a roll of the rubbery mesh typically used to line shelves. Sometimes bowls are easier to use than plates.
Likewise, spoons might be easier to handle than forks. The larger the spoon's handle, the better. Try bendable straws or lidded cups for liquids.