Belching, gas and bloating: Tips for reducing them
Belching: Getting rid of excess air
Flatulence: Gas buildup in the intestines
Bloating: Common but incompletely understood
When to see your doctor
Belching: Getting rid of excess air
Flatulence: Gas buildup in the intestines
Bloating: Common but incompletely understood
When to see your doctor
Belching or passing gas (flatus) is natural and common. Excessive belching or flatus, accompanied by bloating, pain or swelling of the abdomen (distention), can occasionally interfere with daily activities or cause embarrassment. But these signs and symptoms usually don't point to a serious underlying condition and are often reduced with simple lifestyle changes.
When belching, gas or bloating interferes with your daily activities, there may be something wrong. Find out how to reduce or avoid gas and gas pains, and when you may need to see your doctor.