Breast-feeding: Choosing a breast pump
How often will you use the breast pump?
Will you need to pump as quickly as possible?
Do you need a hands-free option?
How much can you afford to spend on the pump?
Is the pump easy to assemble and transport?
Is the suction adjustable?
Are the breast shields the correct size?
What if the electricity fails?
How often will you use the breast pump?
Will you need to pump as quickly as possible?
Do you need a hands-free option?
How much can you afford to spend on the pump?
Is the pump easy to assemble and transport?
Is the suction adjustable?
Are the breast shields the correct size?
What if the electricity fails?
Many mothers who are breast-feeding consider breast pumps as important as car seats and baby wipes. Whether you're going back to work or you simply want the flexibility a breast pump can offer, you have many choices. Here's help deciding which type of breast pump is best for you.