C-section recovery: What to expect
Treat your C-section incision with care
Look for signs of infection
Experiment with breast-feeding positions
Manage other postpartum signs and symptoms
The postpartum checkup
Treat your C-section incision with care
Look for signs of infection
Experiment with breast-feeding positions
Manage other postpartum signs and symptoms
The postpartum checkup
Experiment with breast-feeding positions
You can begin breast-feeding almost immediately after the C-section. Breast-feeding positions that work well during C-section recovery include:
- Football hold. For comfort, put a pillow along your side and use a chair with broad, low arms. Hold your baby at your side, with your elbow bent. With your open hand, support your baby's head and face him or her toward your breast. Your baby's back will rest on the pillow and your forearm. Support your breast in a C-shaped hold with your other hand.
- Side-lying hold. Lie on your side and place your baby on his or her side, facing your breast. Support your baby with one hand. With the other hand, grasp your breast and touch your nipple to your baby's lips. Once your baby latches on to breast-feed, use one arm to support your own head and the other to help support the baby.
For support or breast-feeding information during your C-section recovery, contact a lactation consultant.