C-section recovery: What to expect
Treat your C-section incision with care
Look for signs of infection
Experiment with breast-feeding positions
Manage other postpartum signs and symptoms
The postpartum checkup
The postpartum checkup
The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists recommends that postpartum care be an ongoing process rather than just a single visit after your delivery. Have contact with your health care provider within the first 3 weeks after delivery. Within six to 12 weeks after delivery, see your health care provider for a comprehensive postpartum evaluation.
During this appointment, your health care provider will check your mood and emotional well-being, discuss contraception and timing of future pregnancies, review information about infant care and feeding, talk about your sleep habits and issues related to fatigue, and do a physical exam. This might include a check of your abdomen, vagina, cervix and uterus to make sure you're healing well. In some cases, you might have the checkup earlier so that your health care provider can examine your C-section incision. Use this visit to ask questions about your recovery and caring for your baby.