Cancer causes: Popular myths about the causes of cancer
Myth: Microwaving plastic containers and wraps releases harmful, cancer-causing substances into food.
Myth: People with cancer shouldn't eat sugar, since it can cause cancer to grow faster.
Myth: Good people don't get cancer.
Myth: Antiperspirants or deodorants can cause breast cancer.
Myth: Microwaving food in plastic containers and wraps releases harmful, cancer-causing substances.
Myth: People who have cancer shouldn't eat sugar, since it can cause cancer to grow faster.
Myth: Cancer is contagious.
Myth: Good people don't get cancer.
Fact: In ancient times, illness was often viewed as punishment for bad actions or thoughts. In some cultures that view is still held.
If this were true, though, how would you explain the 6-month-old or the newborn who gets cancer? These little ones haven't been bad.
There's absolutely no evidence that you get cancer because you deserve it.