Cancer survival rate: What it means for your prognosis
What is a cancer survival rate?
How are cancer survival rates used?
What can't cancer survival rates tell you?
You might choose to ignore cancer survival rates
You might choose to ignore cancer survival rates
It's up to you whether you want to know the survival rates associated with your type and stage of cancer. Because survival rates can't tell you about your situation, you might find the statistics impersonal and not helpful. But some people want to know everything they can about their cancer. For that reason, you might choose to know all the pertinent statistics.
Knowing more about your cancer can reduce your anxiety as you analyze your options and begin your treatment, but survival statistics can be confusing and frightening. Tell your doctor if you'd prefer not to pay attention to the numbers. Some people prefer to know the "big picture," rather than detailed statistics. Let your doctor know how you prefer to receive the information. And if you have any questions or concerns about the statistics associated with your cancer, talk to your doctor.