Car seat safety: Avoid 9 common mistakes
3. Using the car seat outside of the car
4. Incorrectly installing the car seat or buckling up your child
5. Reclining your child at the incorrect angle
6. Moving to a forward-facing car seat too soon
7. Not removing your child's heavy outerwear
8. Moving to a booster seat too soon
9. Incorrectly using a booster seat
10. Transitioning to a safety belt too soon
9. Transitioning to a safety belt too soon
1. Getting a used car seat without doing your homework
2. Placing the car seat in the wrong spot
3. Incorrectly installing the car seat or buckling up your child
4. Reclining your child at the incorrect angle
5. Moving to a forward-facing car seat too soon
6. Not removing your child's heavy outerwear
7. Moving to a booster seat too soon
8. Incorrectly using a booster seat
9. Transitioning to a seat belt too soon
4. Incorrectly installing the car seat or buckling up your child
5. Reclining your child at the incorrect angle
6. Moving to a forward-facing car seat too soon
7. Not removing your child's heavy outerwear
8. Moving to a booster seat too soon
9. Incorrectly using a booster seat
10. Transitioning to a safety belt too soon
9. Transitioning to a safety belt too soon
1. Getting a used car seat without doing your homework
2. Placing the car seat in the wrong spot
3. Incorrectly installing the car seat or buckling up your child
4. Reclining your child at the incorrect angle
5. Moving to a forward-facing car seat too soon
6. Not removing your child's heavy outerwear
7. Moving to a booster seat too soon
8. Incorrectly using a booster seat
9. Transitioning to a seat belt too soon
3. Incorrectly installing the car seat or buckling up your child
Before you install a car seat, read the manufacturer's instructions and the section on car seats in the vehicle's manual. Make sure the seat is tightly secured — allowing no more than 1 inch (2.5 centimeters) of movement from side to side or front to back when grasped at the bottom near the attachment points — and facing the correct direction.
If you're using an infant-only seat or a convertible seat in the rear-facing position, keep these tips in mind:
- Use the harness slots described in the car seat's instruction manual, usually those at or below the child's shoulders. Place the harness straps over your child's shoulders.
- Buckle the harness straps and chest clip, ensuring a snug fit. The chest clip should be even with your child's armpits. Make sure the straps and clip lie flat against your child's chest and over his or her hips with no slack. If necessary, place tightly rolled small blankets alongside your baby to provide head and neck support. If the car seat manufacturer allows, place a rolled washcloth between the crotch strap and your baby to create a more secure fit.