Change an unhealthy habit? Yes, you can! Here's how
Want to change an unhealthy habit? Maybe your diet's off the rails or you're binge-watching TV instead of going for a walk after work. Whatever unhealthy habits you're struggling with — and we all have them — take comfort in knowing that change is absolutely possible.
There's a science behind behavior change, says Amy Charland, national board-certified health and wellness coach at Mayo Clinic's Healthy Living Program. One key factor? "Many of the people I see who successfully change a habit are also successful in overcoming the need for perfection, and the all-or-nothing thinking that can trip us up."
Charland often coaches people seeking help with weight loss, poor diet choices or flagging exercise habits. She helps people overcome both internal and external challenges to successfully reach their wellness goals. And she says you can do it, too.
Let's say you want to start eating healthier and lose weight. Charland says following these four steps can start you on your path. (And they'll work for other wellness goals, too.)