Child sleep: Put preschool bedtime problems to rest
The problem: Bedtime is chaotic
The problem: Your child doesn't want to go to bed
The problem: Your child won't fall asleep alone
The problem: Your child won't stay in his or her bed
The problem: Your child stays up too late
The problem: Your child wakes up during the night
The problem: You're frustrated with your child's bedtime problems
The problem: You're frustrated with your child's bedtime problems
The scenario: You're tired of the whining, so you get angry with your child or give up and let your child fall asleep in front of the TV — or in your bed.
The solution: Bedtime battles can test a parent's resolve. But giving in to your child's demands or responding negatively won't help solve your bedtime problems.
Try to remember that you're teaching your child an important skill. Be consistent in your approach and consider positive reinforcement strategies, such as a sticker chart. Set an attainable goal and, if he or she meets it, reward your child with a sticker first thing in the morning. Over time, you can set more challenging goals.
It's never too late to teach your child good sleeping habits. Eventually, your consistency will pay off in a good night's sleep for everyone.