Child sleep: Put preschool bedtime problems to rest
The problem: Bedtime is chaotic
The problem: Your child doesn't want to go to bed
The problem: Your child won't fall asleep alone
The problem: Your child won't stay in his or her bed
The problem: Your child stays up too late
The problem: Your child wakes up during the night
The problem: You're frustrated with your child's bedtime problems
The problem: Bedtime is chaotic
The problem: Your child doesn't want to go to bed
The problem: Your child won't fall asleep alone
The problem: Your child won't stay in his or her bed
The problem: Your child stays up too late
The problem: Your child wakes up during the night
The problem: You're frustrated with your child's bedtime problems
The problem: Your child stays up too late
The scenario: Your child's bedtime is 8:30 p.m., but by the time he or she is ready to sleep it's usually past your bedtime.
The solution: If your child isn't tired at bedtime, you might be fighting a losing battle. Try scaling back on any daytime naps.
You might also consider if the amount of time you're allotting for your child to spend in bed exceeds his or her sleep needs, which are about 10 to 13 hours for a 3- to 5-year-old. Consider delaying your child's bedtime or advancing his or her wake time by 15 minutes every few days until you achieve the target sleep window.