Child sleep: Put preschool bedtime problems to rest
The problem: Bedtime is chaotic
The problem: Your child doesn't want to go to bed
The problem: Your child won't fall asleep alone
The problem: Your child won't stay in his or her bed
The problem: Your child stays up too late
The problem: Your child wakes up during the night
The problem: You're frustrated with your child's bedtime problems
The problem: Your child won't fall asleep alone
The scenario: Your child needs you to stay in the room until he or she falls asleep.
The solution: To encourage your child to fall asleep alone, help him or her feel secure. Start with a calming bedtime routine. Then offer a comfort object, such as a favorite stuffed animal or blanket. Turn on a night light or leave the bedroom door open if it will help your child feel better. Make sure your child is safe and well and leave the room.
Avoid returning to your child's room if he or she calls out to you. Try to allow your child to sort out how to get to sleep. Remember that you're helping your child learn to fall asleep alone. If you give in and continue appearing at his or her bedside or climb into bed with your child, that's what your child will remember — and probably expect the next night.
Alternatively, you can try to wean your child off of your support by waiting progressively longer periods before checking on him or her. When checking, keep the visit to a minute or two. Offer your child reassurance and a light pat — no cuddling.