Children's nutrition: 10 tips for picky eaters
1. Respect your child's appetite — or lack of one
2. Stick to the routine
3. Be patient with new foods
4. Don't be a short-order cook
5. Make it fun
6. Recruit your child's help
7. Set a good example
8. Be creative
9. Minimize distractions
10. Don't offer dessert as a reward
10. Don't offer dessert as a reward
Withholding dessert sends the message that dessert is the best food, which might only increase your child's desire for sweets. You might select one or two nights a week as dessert nights, and skip dessert the rest of the week — or redefine dessert as fruit, yogurt or other healthy choices.
If you're concerned that picky eating is compromising your child's growth and development, consult your child's doctor. He or she can plot your child's growth on a growth chart. In addition, consider recording the types and amounts of food your child eats for three days. The big picture might help ease your worries. A food log can also help your child's doctor determine any problems.
In the meantime, remember that your child's eating habits won't likely change overnight — but the small steps you take each day can help promote a lifetime of healthy eating.