Mayo Clinic Care Network Content

Chronic stress puts your health at risk

Learning to react to stress in a healthy way

Stressful events are facts of life. And you may not be able to change your current situation. But you can take steps to manage the impact these events have on you.

You can learn to identify what causes you stress and how to take care of yourself physically and emotionally in the face of stressful situations.

Stress management strategies include:

  • Eating a healthy diet, getting regular exercise and getting plenty of sleep
  • Practicing relaxation techniques such as yoga, deep breathing, massage or meditation
  • Keeping a journal and writing about your thoughts or what you're grateful for in your life
  • Taking time for hobbies, such as reading, listening to music, or watching your favorite show or movie
  • Fostering healthy friendships and talking with friends and family
  • Having a sense of humor and finding ways to include humor and laughter in your life, such as watching funny movies or looking at joke websites
  • Volunteering in your community
  • Organizing and prioritizing what you need to accomplish at home and work and removing tasks that aren't necessary
  • Seeking professional counseling, which can help you develop specific coping strategies to manage stress

Avoid unhealthy ways of managing your stress, such as using alcohol, tobacco, drugs or excess food. If you're concerned that your use of these products has increased or changed due to stress, talk to your doctor.

The rewards for learning to manage stress can include peace of mind, less stress and anxiety, a better quality of life, improvement in conditions such as high blood pressure, better self-control and focus, and better relationships. And it might even lead to a longer, healthier life.