Contact lenses: What to know before you buy
Hard contact lenses
Soft contact lenses
Rigid gas permeable contact lenses
Specialized contact lenses
Getting the right fit
Avoiding complications
Soft contact lenses
Rigid gas permeable contact lenses
Specialized contact lenses
Getting the right fit
Avoiding complications
Soft contact lenses
Soft contact lenses are the most commonly prescribed contact lenses. They can be used to correct various vision problems, including:
- Nearsightedness (myopia)
- Farsightedness (hyperopia)
- Blurred vision (astigmatism)
- Age-related loss of close-up vision (presbyopia)
Soft contact lenses are comfortable and easier to adapt to than rigid gas permeable lenses. Soft contact lenses come in various types, such as:
- Daily wear lenses. One-day lenses are made for one-day wear. You remove and dispose of them at night. Other options include two-week disposable lenses, monthly disposable lenses and, for some prescriptions, quarterly disposable lenses. Typically, you remove these lenses each night for cleaning and disinfecting.
- Overnight (extended) wear lenses. Some soft contact lenses can be worn for up to 30 days continuously, including while you sleep. However, this type of lens wear can cause complications, such as the buildup of debris under the lens, corneal problems or serious eye infections.