Crying baby? How to keep your cool
Cover the basics
When the tears won't stop
You're not alone
Managing your frustration
Be gentle
Seeking professional help
When the tears won't stop
You're not alone
Managing your frustration
Be gentle
Seeking professional help
When the tears won't stop
If your baby seems otherwise OK but the crying continues, do your best to stay calm. Getting tense or upset might only make the crying worse. Remember, crying doesn't hurt anyone — including the baby.
To stay in control of the situation, you might:
- Keep it quiet. Hold your baby close to you, and quietly sing or talk to your baby. Repeat a calm word or phrase, such as, "You're OK."
- Get moving. Weather permitting, put your baby in the stroller and take a walk. You might even buckle the baby into his or her car seat and take a short drive.
- Think rationally. Remind yourself that it's OK to be frustrated by your baby's crying, but getting angry isn't going to help.
- Take a timeout. If you're alone, put your baby in a safe place — such as the crib or bassinet. Let your baby cry while you take a few minutes to regroup in another room.
- Be realistic. Remind yourself that you're not failing your baby if you can't stop a crying spell.
- Ask for help. Let your partner or another loved one take over for a while. Take advantage of baby-sitting offers from trusted friends or neighbors. Use the time to take a nap or simply relax. If you're worried about your ability to cope with a crying baby, contact a family member or friend, your health care provider, a local crisis intervention service or a mental health help line for support.