Crying baby? How to keep your cool
Cover the basics
When the tears won't stop
You're not alone
Managing your frustration
Be gentle
Seeking professional help
When the tears won't stop
You're not alone
Managing your frustration
Be gentle
Seeking professional help
You're not alone
It's normal to get upset when your baby cries. Since most people cry when they are hurt or upset, you might assume that your crying baby is in pain or distress and you are somehow failing as a parent because you can't stop the tears. It can be even harder to deal with a crying baby if you are tired, depressed or irritable.
But you are not failing your baby if you can't stop a crying spell. Sometimes babies cry even after parents have tried everything to soothe them.
Keep in mind that babies can cry for any number of reasons, including simply feeling bored or overstimulated. If you can begin to think about your baby's cries as a method of sharing feelings, rather than as only an expression of pain, you might find it a little easier to cope.