Cuts of beef: A guide to the leanest selections
Nutrition labels for cuts of beef
Selecting cuts of beef
Preparing cuts of beef
Everything in moderation
Nutrition labels for cuts of beef
Selecting cuts of beef
Preparing cuts of beef
Everything in moderation
Everything in moderation
Even if you choose lean or extra-lean cuts of beef, don't go overboard. If you want to include beef in your diet, do so in moderation. The Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommends that adults eat no more than a total of 5.5 to 6 ounces (156 to 170 grams) of cooked lean meat, fish, shellfish or skinless poultry a day.
Consider the beef in your diet as a side dish, not a main dish. And remember to enjoy a variety of protein foods, including skinless poultry, beans and fish.