Mayo Clinic Care Network Content

DASH diet: Tips for dining out

Be cautious with fast food

Fast-food restaurants can be dietary danger zones. But with these tips, you can occasionally enjoy a fast-food meal while sticking to the DASH diet:

  • Ask for no added salt.
  • Get familiar with the restaurant's nutrition information, either on-site or online.
  • Opt for healthier fare, such as a plain, single hamburger (often lower in sodium than a chicken or fish sandwich), whole-wheat bread, low-fat milk and yogurt.
  • Stick to regular size or even children's meals.
  • Be cautious about fast-food salads, which often have unhealthy extras, such as cheese and dressing.
  • Choose items that are grilled, broiled or steamed. Avoid those that are fried or battered.
  • Choose healthier side dishes, such as a baked potato or fresh fruit.

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