DASH diet: Tips for dining out
Dine and DASH
Cut back on salt
Reduce unhealthy fats
Take care with all courses
Avoid oversized portions
Be cautious with fast food
DASH and dine
Be cautious with fast food
Fast-food restaurants can be dietary danger zones. But with these tips, you can occasionally enjoy a fast-food meal while sticking to the DASH diet:
- Ask for no added salt.
- Get familiar with the restaurant's nutrition information, either on-site or online.
- Opt for healthier fare, such as a plain, single hamburger (often lower in sodium than a chicken or fish sandwich), whole-wheat bread, low-fat milk and yogurt.
- Stick to regular size or even children's meals.
- Be cautious about fast-food salads, which often have unhealthy extras, such as cheese and dressing.
- Choose items that are grilled, broiled or steamed. Avoid those that are fried or battered.
- Choose healthier side dishes, such as a baked potato or fresh fruit.