Mayo Clinic Care Network Content

DASH diet: Tips for shopping and cooking

Keep DASH in mind while shopping

Large displays and bargain prices may catch your eye while you're in the grocery store. Follow these tips to stay focused on foods that support the DASH diet:

  • Buy fresh. Most of the sodium in a typical diet comes from processed foods. Fresh foods are healthier choices because they contain less sodium, as well as less added sugar and fat. Fresh foods also often have more health-promoting vitamins, minerals and fiber than their packaged counterparts do.
  • Shop the sides. While there are many DASH diet-friendly items in the center aisles, most of your shopping time should be spent in the outer aisles where you'll find fresh produce, low-fat dairy products and lean meats.
  • Read labels. Most packaged foods in the U.S. have a Nutrition Facts label that can help you figure out how they fit into your diet. Low sodium foods have 5% daily value or less of sodium per serving. Look for reduced sodium and fat products. Compare like items and choose the one that's lower in sodium and fat and has fewer calories.

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