Mayo Clinic Care Network Content

Dementia caregiving: Dealing with the strain on your marriage

Tips for coping

Self-care is important for caregivers. Eat a healthy diet, get exercise, attend your medical appointments and keep regular sleep habits. Paying attention to your marriage also is essential.

To protect and strengthen your relationship:

  • Communicate clearly. Talk to your spouse about your experience as a caregiver. Explain how it feels, what you find challenging and what is positive. Listen to your spouse's concerns about the impact of caregiving on the family.
  • Ask for help. Ask for help from your spouse, other family members or close friends. Be specific about what kind of help you need, such as caregiving tasks, household responsibilities or research about care resources.
  • Plan time together. Plan time together. Use other care options — friends, family members, respite services or in-home care services — to give you and your spouse time to be alone and away from caregiving responsibilities.
  • Connect with community. Join a local support group for family caregivers or connect with other caregivers online. Participate in a support group as a couple.
  • Seek professional help. Family counseling with a clinical social worker, psychologist or other mental health care professional can help you communicate your feelings, understand each other's needs and resolve conflicts.