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Diabetes and menopause: A twin challenge

Content Diabetes and menopause: What to expect Diabetes and menopause: What you can do

Diabetes and menopause: What you can do

Menopause can wreak havoc on your diabetes control. But there's plenty you can do to better manage diabetes and menopause.

  • Make healthy lifestyle choices. Healthy lifestyle choices are important aspects of your diabetes treatment plan. Eat a variety of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean poultry and low-fat dairy products. Aim for about 30 minutes of physical activity — such as brisk walking — a day. Healthy foods and regular physical activity can help you feel your best after menopause, too. Also quit smoking if you smoke.
  • Measure your blood pressure often. Make sure your blood pressure levels are within a healthy range. Ask your doctor if you have questions or concerns about your blood pressure. If you take medications for high blood pressure, be sure to take them as prescribed.
  • Measure your blood sugar frequently. You may need to check your blood sugar level more often than usual during the day, and occasionally during the night. Keep a log of your blood sugar readings and symptoms. Your doctor may use the details to adjust your diabetes treatment plan as needed.
  • Ask your doctor about adjusting your diabetes medications. If your average blood sugar level increases, you may need to increase the dosage of your diabetes medications or begin taking a new medication — especially if you gain weight or reduce your level of physical activity. Likewise, if your average blood sugar level decreases, you may need to reduce the dosage of your diabetes medications.
  • Ask your doctor about cholesterol-lowering medications. If you have diabetes, you're at increased risk of cardiovascular disease. The risk increases even more when you reach menopause. To reduce the risk, eat healthy foods and exercise regularly. Your doctor may recommend cholesterol-lowering medication if you're not already taking it.
  • Seek help for menopausal symptoms. If you're struggling with hot flashes, vaginal dryness, decreased sexual response or other menopausal symptoms, remember that treatment is available.

    For example, your doctor may recommend a vaginal lubricant to restore vaginal moisture or vaginal estrogen therapy to correct thinning and inflammation of the vaginal walls. Your doctor may also recommend hormone replacement therapy to relieve the symptoms if you don't have conditions that could cause a higher risk of complications.

    If weight gain is a problem, a registered dietitian can help you revise your meal plans. Hormone replacement therapy might be a good option, too.

Having diabetes while going through menopause can be a twin challenge. Work closely with your doctor to ease the transition.

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