Diabetes care: 10 ways to avoid complications
1. Make a commitment to managing your diabetes
2. Don't smoke
3. Keep your blood pressure and cholesterol under control
4. Schedule regular physicals and eye exams
5. Keep your vaccines up to date
6. Take care of your teeth
7. Pay attention to your feet
8. Consider a daily aspirin
9. If you drink alcohol, do so responsibly
10. Take stress seriously
3. Keep your blood pressure and cholesterol under control
Like diabetes, high blood pressure can damage your blood vessels. High cholesterol is a concern, too, since the damage is often worse and more rapid when you have diabetes. When these conditions team up, they can lead to a heart attack, stroke or other life-threatening conditions.
Eating a healthy, reduced-fat diet and exercising regularly can go a long way toward controlling high blood pressure and cholesterol. Your doctor may also recommend taking prescription medication, if necessary.