Dietary fiber: Essential for a healthy diet
What is dietary fiber?
Benefits of a high-fiber diet
How much fiber do you need?
Fiber: Daily recommendations for adults
Your best fiber choices
Fiber supplements and fortified foods
Tips for fitting in more fiber
Your best fiber choices
If you aren't getting enough fiber each day, you may need to boost your intake. Good choices include:
- Whole-grain products
- Fruits
- Vegetables
- Beans, peas and other legumes
- Nuts and seeds
Refined or processed foods — such as canned fruits and vegetables, pulp-free juices, white breads and pastas, and non-whole-grain cereals — are lower in fiber. The grain-refining process removes the outer coat (bran) from the grain, which lowers its fiber content. Enriched foods have some of the B vitamins and iron added back after processing, but not the fiber.