Disposal of unused pain medications
Take-back programs
Illicit use of opioids
Flushing is a disposal option
Will flushing drugs harm the environment?
Take-back programs
Illicit use of opioids
Flushing is a disposal option
Will flushing drugs harm the environment?
Flushing is a disposal option
If a take-back program is unavailable and the medication appears on the FDA's "flush list," don't hesitate to flush it down the toilet or sink. Flushing should also be considered when the medication cannot be safely and securely stored until disposal via a take-back program, or when there are risks in waiting to do so.
The FDA's "flush list" includes medications that contain:
- Buprenorphine
- Fentanyl
- Hydrocodone
- Hydromorphone
- Meperidine
- Methadone
- Morphine
- Oxycodone
- Oxymorphone
- Sodium oxybate
- Tapentadol
Some of these medications come in the form of patches that adhere to the skin. Used fentanyl patches can be deadly to small children, so the patches should be flushed as soon as you take them off your skin. Fold the sticky sides together before flushing.