Mayo Clinic Care Network Content

Does fitness trump thinness?


Being thin or being fit: Which is more important? Of course, getting to a healthy weight and exercising regularly are both important goals. But to increase your odds of a long, healthy life, improving your cardiovascular fitness should be priority No. 1, according to scientists who study weight, exercise and longevity.

Consider this example: Mara is at her ideal weight, but she can't walk to the bus stop without getting winded. Michael is overweight, but he can walk up three flights of stairs and hardly feel it. Who has the best chance at a long, healthy life?

Most experts would argue that it's Michael. Despite his extra pounds, his three-day-a-week swimming habit boosts his cardiovascular fitness. That, in turn, lowers his risk of dying prematurely (mortality risk).

Even though Mara isn't overweight, she spends long days at her desk and too many nights in front of a screen.

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