End of life: Caring for someone who is dying
Choosing where to die
Spirituality at the end of life
Saying goodbye
Best practices in end-of-life care
Making decisions
Supporting spiritual needs
Supporting emotional needs
Recognizing when death is near
Providing comfort
Keeping vigil
Spirituality at the end of life
Saying goodbye
Best practices in end-of-life care
Making decisions
Supporting spiritual needs
Supporting emotional needs
Recognizing when death is near
Providing comfort
Keeping vigil
Making decisions
A palliative and hospice care team can help you establish treatment goals and guide you through important decisions. This decision-making is intended to honor the wishes of the person who is dying, optimize his or her quality of life and support the family. Issues may include:
- When and if to discontinue disease treatment
- When to remove life-support machines, such as ventilators and dialysis machines
- Where to receive hospice care
- What support the family needs to provide care for the dying person
- How best to enable the dying person to spend quality time with family and friends
- What emotional and spiritual support is wanted by the person who is dying, family members and friends
Studies demonstrate that this person-centered approach improves care and the quality of people's lives in their last days.