End of life: Caring for someone who is dying
Choosing where to die
Spirituality at the end of life
Saying goodbye
Best practices in end-of-life care
Making decisions
Supporting spiritual needs
Supporting emotional needs
Recognizing when death is near
Providing comfort
Keeping vigil
Spirituality at the end of life
Saying goodbye
Best practices in end-of-life care
Making decisions
Supporting spiritual needs
Supporting emotional needs
Recognizing when death is near
Providing comfort
Keeping vigil
Spirituality at the end of life
As your loved one approaches the end of life, he or she might talk about spirituality or the meaning of life. Don't force the subject — but if it comes up, encourage your loved one to explore and address his or her feelings. You might ask your loved one open-ended questions about his or her beliefs and experiences or most meaningful moments. You might want to invite a spiritual leader to visit your loved one as well.