Exercise intensity: How to measure it
Moderate exercise intensity
Vigorous exercise intensity
Overexerting yourself
How to determine your target zone
How to tell if you're in the zone
Target heart rate tips
Choosing your exercise intensity
Understanding exercise intensity
Gauging intensity by how you feel
Gauging intensity using your heart rate
Reap the rewards of exercise intensity
Vigorous exercise intensity
Overexerting yourself
How to determine your target zone
How to tell if you're in the zone
Target heart rate tips
Choosing your exercise intensity
Understanding exercise intensity
Gauging intensity by how you feel
Gauging intensity using your heart rate
Reap the rewards of exercise intensity
Reap the rewards of exercise intensity
You'll get the most from your workouts if you're exercising at the proper exercise intensity for your health and fitness goals. If you're not feeling any exertion or your heart rate is too low, pick up the pace. If you're worried that you're pushing yourself too hard or your heart rate is too high, back off a bit.
Before starting a vigorous exercise program, you may want to talk with your doctor. He or she may suggest that you have certain tests first. This may be the case for people who have diabetes or more than one risk factor for heart disease, and for men over age 45 and women over age 55.