Feeding your newborn: Tips for new parents
2. Feed your newborn on demand
5. Trust your instincts — and your newborn's
7. Know when to ask for help
1. Stick with breast milk or formula
2. Feed your newborn on cue
3. Consider vitamin D supplements
4. Expect variations in your newborn's eating patterns
5. Trust your instincts — and your newborn's
6. Consider each feeding a time to bond with your newborn
7. Keep feedings consistent
8. Know when to ask for help
5. Trust your instincts — and your newborn's
You might worry that your newborn isn't eating enough, but babies usually know just how much they need. Don't focus on how much, how often or how regularly your newborn eats. Instead, look for:
- Steady weight gain
- Contentment between feedings
- By the fifth day after birth, at least six wet diapers and three or more bowel movements a day
Contact the doctor if your newborn isn't gaining weight, wets fewer than six diapers a day or shows little interest in feedings.