Fibromyalgia: Self-care tips
Take a bath
Several studies have looked into balneotherapy for fibromyalgia. Balneotherapy, which means bathing to treat an illness, appears to reduce pain and stiffness.
This isn't surprising, given that warm water helps reduce muscle tension, promote relaxation and lessen pain. Add to that the generally pleasant experience of being at a spa or a similar setting.
But it's important not to spend too much time in the bath, or to frequently take long soaks. Staying in the tub for a long time may make you focus on how bad you're feeling, and it can actually make you feel worse. Instead look at an occasional short soak in your home tub or a spa as a treat.
If visits to a spa aren't your thing, try creating a spa-like ambience at home and have a soak in your own bathtub. Or look for a community center or gym with a heated pool or sauna rooms.