Fitness: Tips for staying motivated
1. Set goals
2. Make it fun
3. Make physical activity part of your daily routine
4. Put it on paper
5. Join forces with friends, neighbors or others
6. Reward yourself
7. Be flexible
3. Make physical activity part of your daily routine
If it's hard to find time for exercise, don't fall back on excuses. Schedule workouts as you would any other important activity.
You can also slip in physical activity throughout the day. Take the stairs instead of the elevator, or park further away from the store. Walk up and down sidelines while watching the kids play sports. Take a walk during a break at work.
If you work from home, stretch, walk or climb your stairs on breaks. Or do squats, lunges or situps. Walk your dog if you have one. Pedal a stationary bike, walk or jog on a treadmill, or do strength training exercises during your lunch break or while you watch TV at night.
Research has found that sitting for long periods of time may negatively affect your health, even if you otherwise get the recommended amount of weekly activity. If you sit for several hours a day at work, aim to take regular breaks during the day to move, such as walking to get a drink of water or standing during phone conversations or video meetings.