Fitting in fitness: Finding time for physical activity
Fitting in fitness at home and on-the-go
Make a commitment
Enlist family, friends, co-workers and even the family pet
Change the time or intensity
Fitting in fitness at home and on the go
Work out at work
Make a commitment
It's important to plan ahead so other "to-do" items don't push fitness off your radar. To keep exercise a priority:
- Put it on the calendar. Schedule physical activity as you would any other appointment during the day. Don't change your exercise plans for every interruption that comes along.
- Become part of a team. Sign up for a softball, soccer or volleyball team through your local parks and recreation department. Making a commitment to a team is a great motivator.
- Join a fitness club. Sign up for a group exercise class at a nearby fitness club. The cost may be an added incentive to stick with it.
- Wear an activity tracker or pedometer. Seeing how far you've come may motivate you to do even more.