Mayo Clinic Care Network Content

Foreign object in the skin: First aid

You can usually safely remove a small foreign object — such as a wood splinter, thorn, fiberglass or glass — that's just under the surface of the skin:

  • Wash your hands and clean the area well with soap and water.
  • Use tweezers cleaned with rubbing alcohol to remove the object. Use a magnifying glass to help you see better.
  • If the object is under the surface of the skin, sterilize a clean, sharp needle by wiping it with rubbing alcohol. Use the needle to gently break the skin over the object and lift up the tip of the object.
  • Use a tweezers to grab the end of the object and remove it.
  • Wash the area again and pat dry. Apply petroleum jelly or an antibiotic ointment.

Seek prompt medical help for a foreign object that seems to be more deeply embedded in the skin or muscle. Follow these precautions and steps first:

  • Don't try to remove the object. Doing so could cause further harm.
  • Bandage the wound. First put a piece of gauze over the object. Then, if it helps, put clean padding around the object before binding the wound securely with a bandage or a piece of clean cloth. Take care not to press too hard on the object.

In addition, seek medical help if:

  • The object is hard to see (as with clear glass) or doesn't come out easily (as with a fishhook).
  • The injury involves an eye or is close to an eye.
  • The wound is deep or dirty and the injured person's last tetanus vaccination was more than five years ago. The doctor may recommend a booster.