Get the most out of home blood pressure monitoring
Why do I need to monitor my blood pressure at home?
Types of home monitors
Public blood pressure machines
Features to consider
Tips for accurate use
Tracking your blood pressure readings
Long-term benefits
Long-term benefits
If your blood pressure is well-controlled, check with your doctor about how often you need to check it. Your doctor may suggest checking it daily or less often. If you're just starting home monitoring to evaluate if you have high blood pressure or if you're making any changes in your medications or other treatments, your doctor may recommend you check your blood pressure starting two weeks after treatment changes and a week before your next appointment.
Home blood pressure monitoring is not a substitute for visits to your doctor, and home blood pressure monitors may have some limitations. Even if you get normal readings, don't stop or change your medications or alter your diet without talking to your doctor first. However, if continued home monitoring shows your blood pressure is under control, you might be able to make fewer appointments with your doctor.
Monitoring your blood pressure at home doesn't have to be complicated or inconvenient. In the long run, you might risk fewer complications related to high blood pressure and enjoy a healthier life.