Gluten-free diet
The foods not included in a gluten-free diet provide important vitamins and other nutrients. For example, whole-grain breads and other products are natural or enriched sources of the following:
- Iron
- Calcium
- Fiber
- Thiamin
- Riboflavin
- Niacin
- Folate
Therefore, following a gluten-free diet will likely change your nutrient intake. Some gluten-free breads and cereals have significantly varied nutrient levels compared with the products they are replacing.
Some gluten-free foods also have higher fat and sugar contents than the gluten-containing food being replaced. It's important to read labels, not only for gluten content but also for overall nutrient levels, salt, calories from fats and calories from sugars.
You can talk to your doctor or dietitian about foods that would provide healthy, nutrient-rich alternatives.