Gynecological care for trans men
Breast tissue health
Pelvic health
Fertility and Fertility Preservation
Testosterone use
Body image
Body image
A positive body image is important to your self-esteem and sexual health. Many trans men struggle with their body image, especially during times of major physical and emotional changes. Trans men may also feel pressure to look a certain way. This can be due to your cultural or family background or stereotypes promoted in the media.
Body shapes vary. There's no one "right" way to look. Talking about your body image might help you feel better. Consider what you like about the way you look. You might also use gender-affirming devices, such as a chest-binder, genital packer or stand-to-pee device.
If you struggle with body image concerns, talk to your doctor. Seeking counseling or attending a support group might help. If you haven't already, you might consider masculinizing hormone therapy or masculinizing surgery. Ask your doctor about the potential benefits and risks of these options.
Talk to your doctor about your sexual and gynecologic health. Ask questions and share any concerns you might have. Together, you can create a care plan that best meets your needs.