How a sleep diary can transform how you feel
Are you one of the 3 in 10 U.S. adults who don't get enough sleep?
If you are, here's some unexpected advice: Dust off your diary.
To learn what's keeping you up at night and robbing your resiliency, do a little reflection (on paper) for about two weeks. You may be surprised by what you learn.
Here is what to track in your "sleep diary."
- The time you went to bed
- The time you actually fell asleep, if known
- How many times you woke up during the night
- How long, each time, it took you to fall back asleep
- The time you woke up in the morning
- How many naps you took that day, and how long each lasted
- The medications you used
- How much caffeine or alcohol you drank
Reviewing this information on your own may reveal some unexpected sleep barriers. Reviewing your diary with a doctor will help you work together to improve your sleep habits and boost your overall health and resiliency.