Mayo Clinic Care Network Content

Infant development: Milestones from 10 to 12 months

What to expect
Promoting your baby's development
When something's not right

Promoting your baby's development

Your baby's budding curiosity is bound to keep you on your toes. Keep your baby safe while challenging him or her to learn through play.

  • Create an exploration-safe environment. Move anything that could be poisonous, pose a choking hazard or break into small pieces from your baby's reach. Cover electrical outlets, use stairway gates, and install child locks on doors and cabinets. If you have furniture with sharp edges, pad the corners or remove it from areas where your baby plays. The same goes for lightweight objects your baby might use to pull himself or herself to a standing position, such as plant stands and decorative tables. Anchor bookcases, televisions and their stands to the wall.
  • Snuggle up and read. Set aside time for reading every day — even if it's only a few minutes. At this age, your baby might love books with flaps, textures or activities. Make your reading more interesting by adding facial expressions, sound effects and voices for characters. Store books within easy reach so that your baby can explore them whenever the mood strikes.
  • Keep conversations going. If your baby reaches for a book, ask, "Would you like to read a story?" If he or she points to the cow on the cover, say, "You found the cow! What does a cow say?" Wait for your baby's response and then offer the correct answer. As you're reading the book, get creative. Make up your own stories to fit the pictures. Ask your baby questions about the pictures. Don't limit yourself to yes or no questions.
  • Help your baby handle his or her feelings. Expect episodes of frustration as your baby struggles to make sense and take control of his or her environment. If your baby throws plastic rings out of frustration, calmly pick up the pieces and say, "I can see you're frustrated. Let's figure it out. The big ring goes here. Now you try." For some babies, learning a few words in sign language can be helpful. Teach your baby simple motions for common words, such as milk and blanket.
  • Set limits. Babies don't have a sense of right or wrong. Praise your baby for good choices while steering him or her away from hazardous situations. Use a calm no if your baby hurts others. Explain calmly why the behavior isn't OK, and then redirect your baby's attention.

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