Labor pain: Weigh your options for relief
Consider the options
Understand the pros and cons
Expect the unexpected
Things to consider before you choose
Consider the options
Understand the pros and cons
Expect the unexpected
Things to consider before you choose
Things to consider before you choose
So what's the bottom line on managing labor pain? Think about what appeals to you, and ask your health care provider these questions:
- What's involved in the method?
- How will it affect me? Will I be able to walk, or will I be confined to bed?
- How will it affect my baby?
- What are the possible side effects?
- How quickly will it work? How long will the pain relief last?
- Can I combine it with other methods of pain relief?
- When during labor is the method available?
- What if it doesn't work?
- Will I remember everything?
- Will it increase the duration of my labor?
- Will I be able to breast-feed my baby after delivery?
Plan to have your spouse, partner, family member, friend or doula serve as a support person during your labor. Review your plan with this person and your health care team when you arrive at the hospital or birthing center to give birth.