Language development: Speech milestones for babies
By the end of 3 months
By the end of 6 months
By the end of 12 months
By the end of 18 months
By the end of 24 months
When to check with your child's doctor
When to check with your child's doctor
Talk to your child's doctor if your child hasn't mastered most of the speech and language development milestones for his or her age or you're concerned about your child's development. Speech delays occur for many reasons, including hearing loss and developmental disorders. Depending on the circumstances, your child's doctor might refer your child to a hearing specialist (audiologist) or a speech-language pathologist.
In the meantime, talk to your child about what you're doing and where you're going. Sing songs and read together. Teach your child to imitate actions, such as clapping, and to say animal sounds. Practice counting. Show your child that you're pleased when he or she speaks. Listen to your child's sounds and repeat them back to him or her. Some affectionate "baby talk" to your child is OK, but remember that your child learns to speak by imitating you. These steps can encourage your child's speech and language development.