Leaking while running? Pro tips to run without worry
Start with your breathing
Perfect your running form
Strengthen your hips and glutes
Work up slowly over time
Still struggling? Get help from a professional
No one (over the age of 12) really wants to talk about what happens behind bathroom doors. So when you pee a little (or a lot) while exercising, it's embarrassing.
Leaking, also known as urinary stress incontinence is, at most, whispered about in the context of mom groups. And at worst, it's either tolerated or considered grounds for avoiding healthy activities that can trigger it.
That special underwear has been developed to absorb bladder leaks is evidence of just how common a problem it is. And while both pregnancy and childbirth can be triggers, it's not just a mom problem. One study found that 45% of female athletes experienced some symptoms — and 76% of those surveyed hadn't given birth.
So what causes it — and what, other than donning a pair of ultra absorbent undies, can a person do? Heather A. Dunfee, a physical therapist in the Mayo Clinic Healthy Living Program and certified Pregnancy and Postpartum Corrective Exercise Specialist, sheds some light on the issue.