Leaking while running? Pro tips to run without worry
Start with your breathing
Perfect your running form
Strengthen your hips and glutes
Work up slowly over time
Still struggling? Get help from a professional
Start with your breathing
Perfect your running form
Strengthen your hips and glutes
Work up slowly over time
Still struggling? Get help from a professional
Perfect your running form
For runners, good alignment can help your core to better absorb impact, preventing leaks. For example, a slight forward lean helps to put your deep core "canister" in the best alignment to do its job. Think about stacking your rib cage over your pelvis, something that comes naturally when running uphill.
More tips from Dunfee:
- Eyes at the horizon. Look out about 20 feet ahead with your neck long, chin gently tucked.
- Don't overstride. Think about propelling yourself from your glutes rather than pulling through your hip flexors in the fronts of your thighs. You should land with your foot underneath you.
- No chicken wings. Swing arms forward and back rather than side to side.
- Land like a 'whisper.' If you hear pounding, see what you can do to soften your steps. Landing in the middle or front of your foot instead of your heel reduces the force by about half.