Leaking while running? Pro tips to run without worry
Start with your breathing
Perfect your running form
Strengthen your hips and glutes
Work up slowly over time
Still struggling? Get help from a professional
Start with your breathing
Perfect your running form
Strengthen your hips and glutes
Work up slowly over time
Still struggling? Get help from a professional
Work up slowly over time
Once you get a feel for the correct breathing pattern and alignment, it can take time to build up your endurance. Rather than keep running no matter what, try alternating running and walking (walk when you notice you're not maintaining the right form or breathing).
For a more intense workout that won't derail your progress, try running up hills and walking down. "Hills are great because they force the body into a position of rib cage over pelvis and untucks the bum," says Dunfee. Walking downhill is a good option, though, since it's high impact.