Maternity leave: Tips for returning to work
Once you're back at work
When you go back to work, expect ups and downs as you become more adept at managing multiple demands. These tips can help:
- Get organized. Make a daily to-do list. You might divide the list into tasks for work and tasks for home, or tasks for you and tasks for your partner. Identify what you need to do, what can wait — and what you can skip.
- Provide continuity of care. Develop a good relationship with your baby's caregiver. Spend time talking to him or her when you drop off or pick up your baby. Share family stresses that might affect your baby. Ask about what happened in your absence, such as a change in bowel movements or eating patterns or a new way of playing. Periodically discuss your baby's progress and any concerns.
- Stay connected. Consider a daily phone call or text message to your baby's caregiver to find out how your baby's doing. Place a favorite photo of your baby in your work area. Set aside time after work to reconnect with your baby.
- Make backup plans. Know what you'll do if your baby is sick or your baby's caregiver is unavailable on a workday — such as you or your partner taking the day off, or calling a backup babysitter, friend or loved one to care for your baby.
- Honor your commitment to breast-feeding. Bring your breast pump, containers for expressed milk, an insulated bag and ice packs to work. Keep breast pads handy, in case your breasts leak. If finding time to pump is difficult, consider pumping during breaks or working from home to make up for the lost hours. Try increasing your breast-feeding by feeding your baby in short, frequent sessions just before work and as soon as you return home. You could also pump more on the weekends to increase your supply.
- Seek support. Accept help from your partner, loved ones, friends and co-workers. Speak up if you're feeling guilty, sad or overwhelmed. If you're having trouble pumping milk at work or nursing your baby at home, contact a lactation consultant from a local hospital or clinic.
- Nurture your own well-being. Emotions can run high during this time. Your emotional well-being is just as important as taking care of your baby. Relax in the tub after you put the baby to bed, or unwind with a book or music. Cut down on unnecessary commitments. Pick a reasonable bedtime and stick with it. On your days off, sleep when your baby sleeps.