Medications and supplements that can raise your blood pressure
Pain medications
Cold medicines (decongestants)
Hormonal birth control
Herbal supplements
Biological therapies
A caution on illegal drugs
Hormonal birth control
Birth control pills and other hormonal birth control devices contain hormones that may increase your blood pressure by narrowing smaller blood vessels. Nearly all birth control pills, patches and vaginal rings come with warnings that high blood pressure may be a side effect. The risk of high blood pressure is greater if you're older than age 35, overweight or a smoker.
Not all women will have increased blood pressure from using hormonal birth control. But if you're worried, have your blood pressure checked at least every six to 12 months.
If you already have high blood pressure, consider using a different form of birth control. While nearly all birth control pills can raise your blood pressure, your blood pressure may be less likely to increase if you use a birth control pill or device that contains a lower dose of estrogen.